Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My loves...

Monday was a rough day...worked all night Sunday night into Monday morning and got no sleep until Monday night at 10 pm.  That was a rough one...but I did have a few very wonderful moments that day!  I got to go to Grace's preschool Valentine's party with her, I got to take a very good friend of mine to lunch for her birthday, I got to spend time with my mom (who helped me out tremendously!  I don't think my kids nor I would've been fed dinner had she not been there to cook it), and I got to reminisce!  What fun that was...I started a tradition when my Grace was just a wee one.  She got a HUGE bear from her daddy for her very first Valentine's day and I took her picture with it (that picture has since been lost because our hard drive crashed and we lost all of her pictures up to 15 months)!  That bear was bigger than she was, but the next year, she got bigger and then bigger and added a brother, and then they both got bigger and then they added a sister!  I decided to put them together in a it is...2008, 2009, 2010, and 2012.  I don't know why I skipped 2011...just forgot I guess.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

It all could have been gone in an instant...

Some of you know and some of you don't, but, a week and a half ago my husband fell about 8 feet from our roof onto our front porch...GASP...I was on my way to meet some friends for breakfast and got a phone call from him saying "I fell off the roof, come home!"  I immediately jumped into panic mode.  I didn't know what to do...all my sanity left me and I was a hysterical mess behind the wheel with three small kids in the back seat.  All I could do was start asking my husband questions...the first one..."Are you breathing?"  Of course he is you idiot was all I could think to myself...he's talking to you.  The next one..."Are you bleeding?"  As I start to gather myself I am mentally assessing his possible injuries based on what he's telling me.  All I can think..."He's broken!"  I've got to get home and get him to the hospital!  After what seemed like the longest drive home I pull in to see my knight in shining armor in a crumpled heep on our front porch.  As I get out of the car I smell burning rubber...guess I was going faster than I thought!  I was able to get him up and into the car.  The bad thing...I was thinking...Is this a life and death emergency since he's breathing and can I take him to the ER because my insurance might not pay a dime if they don't deem it a true emergency.  Or do I take him to urgent care where they can't give him narcotics for the pain and run all the necessary tests to see if my husband is OK!  I started out going to med one but as I thought about it more my instincts told me that I needed to take him to the ER...they need to see him...NOW!  Every move that car made sent him writhing in pain...I couldn't help him...I felt so helpless!  I was sure his arm was broken!  As we got to the ER he was rushed to the back and assessed...the nurse there was sure his humerus (large bone in his upper arm) was broken.  He was sent to xray...NO BROKEN BONES!  WHAT?!?!?  SERIOUSLY?!?!?  I couldn't believe it and neither could the nurses and doctor.  He was having so much pain that they wanted to work him up for worse injuries...OH NO!  Doctor mentioned internal injuries, more severe...YIKES!  By this time the endorphins running through my husbands body were on let down...he was coming down off that high and starting to become weak...I was alone with him in the room while he was sitting on the side of the bed.  I was holding the baby and he started to go out on me...I couldn't put the baby down but my husband needed me.  So I yelled...I yelled loud!  They couldn't find I yelled out the room number...They came running!  All I could worst!  We were waiting, waiting for test results to confirm...but when the doctor came in and said the CT scan was clear...again...WHAT?!?!?!?  They did find a cracked rib...very posterior...close to the spine.  "You are lucky."  That's what I kept hearing...but what I kept thinking, God was watching out for my husband! 

As I reflect back on the events of that day I can't help but think that I could've lost my husband that day.  He could've died.  He could've been paralyzed.  He could've been hurt so much worse.  All he got was a broken rib...lots of pain...and lots of stress.  I can handle a broken rib, pain and lots of stress.  I've started looking at life a little differently these days.  I can handle the little things, with help...Phillipains 4:13!