Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's been a while...

So, I've been told I need to update my blog.  Yes, I know, I've been neglecting my creative outlet.  Who cares if I blog?  I mean, honestly, who would really give a rat's patutie if I ever blogged again?!?  Apparently, my husband does...According to him I am a "smart and fun person"...!!  So, this one's for you honey.

Most of you may not know but my husband is pursuing his master's degree and one of his classes is marital counseling...funny!  At a few points in our marriage I thought we could use some counseling and now he's learning about marital counseling.  I find that quite ironic. 

For this class he was required to watch a movie, "The Story of Us".  I know he was putting it off and putting it off because he HATES chick flicks...which is what this was.  It kind of got me thinking about our "Us" story.  What it all really boils down're going to have ups and down, hills and valleys, good and bad.  But, are you going to stick with each other through those times and work it out or run at the first chance you get?  I choose to stay, no matter how rough it gets, no matter how much I want to run and never look back.  I am going to stay, why? Because I love him and all his craziness!  That's it...I LOVE HIM!!